Kenya Summer 2024

Rev. Mark Machado’s Missionary Trip

Praise God! I, Brother Mark arrived safely in Nairobi.Kenya, greetings with the people and will be starting the Gifts of the Spirit course this Monday 24th of June 2024.

I , Brother Mark Machado praise God and thank you for your prayers and support, as I’m rejoicing over the class here in Nakuru, Kenya, East Africa, whereby we have 72 honorable students on day one of the Gifts of the Spirit course!

Today June 27, 2024 about 67 of the students moved in and spoke in tongues and interpreted. Glory to God! Hallelujah Praise God forever!

God bless you all richly in the name of Jesus Christ! I, Brother Mark Machado. want to personally. Thank you richly and abundantly in Jesus name! Here is a photo of the graduating class in Kenya. We started off with 95 students and about 80 graduated. Thank you for your support and prayers, so that this work of God was a success!

Attached is a link to you tube of a TV station program i was asked to speak on here in Kisii Kenya. Praise God for the opportunity.