Ghana Spring 2018 Page 2
Rev. Mark Machado’s Missionary Trip
Saturday April 21st
After a ten hour bus ride to Abidjan Friday, and about a two and a half hour taxi ride through both boarders of Cote d’Ivoire and Ghana now I need another about a 6 hour public “Truc Truc” ride to Mankessim for a couple days. You really want to be a missionary?
Sunday April 22nd
This is my personal traditional African breakfast. A cup of hot water Milo and now for the first time the mixed bread that I dunk in the Milo drink. I usually have regular or brown wheat bread…
Sunday April 22nd
After a much needed nights sleep, I was back at the Assembly of Christians church here in Mankessim. Here Brother Justice is interpreting for me. The message I taught them is called, The Blood of Jesus Christ. One of the congregation recorded it, because of the wrong teachings he has heard he wanted the truth concerning Christ’s blood. Amen!
Sunday April 22nd
I was getting ready to say goodbye when my young friends were asking me many questions… Why is your hair soft, how are you white, what is your family name, can you pray for me I want car, your President Obama he is a wicked man, can you bring me a kite when you come back,… Then I ministered to a couple of them, one was having bad dreams in the night, another was having problems learning in school. Praise God for the young ones and that I was able to spend time with them!
Monday April 23rd
Welcome to the missionary field! Our public transportation vehicle (tructruc) we had a flat tire and no spare. So we waited for one passing by that had room for us…
Monday April 23rd
Here is Brother Isaac (far right) and his son named after me, Mark George. He named him after after me because of the truth I brought him from God’s Holy Word on the Gifts of The Spirit. He says because of this fantastic teaching and training that God originally revealed to Brother Leonard (that he also walked in) many years ago in the mid 1930’s, he is able to fight the good fight of faith and win! Praise God for His eternal love for all who have accepted Jesus Christ as their personal Saviour!
Monday April 23rd
This is Sister Freda. She is a precious Sister in Christ and took the Gifts of The Spirit course for the first time in 2014. Because of some family members engulfed deep into witchcraft. They are continually trying to put curses on her. Brother Isaac and I ministered to her and took dominion of those cursed evils and curses. The Fear of the Lord is to hate evil…Prov 8:13a.
Monday April 23rd
Looks like Mr.Flat tire visited twice today! Taking a taxi to go to Brother and Sister Etsiakoh’s home we had a flat tire. The driver took the spare and had it repaired, then we were off again.
Monday April 23rd
No time to est because of our delay we went straight to Brother Etsaikoh’s church.
Monday April 23rd
I taught on a short message of Faith on, Why did Jesus spoke to the fig tree? Mark 11:14.
Monday April 23rd
A couple of them came for healing by faith. Sorry me camera man man didn’t take nay photos of them…
Monday April 23rd
These are my new friends staying at my hosts home in Accra, Ghanna. From left to right, Kwaku Gloria, and Kwasi, I helped them all to receive the Baptism of The Holy Ghost and the gift of tongues. Glory to God in the highest!
Monday April 23rd
This is Brother Samuel who I have not seen for 15 years. He was a young boy at the time, but now is a college student and a fine, kind, precious believer on Christ. His Father and Mother are my hosts here now.