Ghana Spring 2018
Rev. Mark Machado’s Missionary Trip
Thursday March 22nd 2018
After a long needed rest today I went outside of the hosting Pastor’s home. As usual the young want to talk to the new stranger in town. So I always capitalized on it. I spoke with Frederick in the long traditionally Muslim apparel and asked him about what Mohammed says about the Prophet Jesus in the Koran. Frederick knew what was written….so I led Frederick to Christ and he was filled with the Holy Ghost and was speaking in other tongues. Praise God!

The young people came and spoke with me. I asked them if they attended a church and one of them remembered me from last year here in the city of Mankessim. So I helped them receive the baptism of the Holy Ghost, and they began to speak in other tongues. You can see the joy on their faces! Thank you Father! Brother Mark Machado from Christian Training Centre of Texas.
Here Noah left, and Shadrach right received the baptism of the Holy Ghost. March 22nd 2018 Brother Mark Machado from Christian Training Centre of Texas.
I have been wanting to know the condition of the congregation of the late Rev. Acquah in Ankamu. So Sister Margaret came with Brother Billy and I to meet the current Pastor. He also was one of the graduate students from the 2003 Gifts of The Spirit Course. Rev. Joseph Nyarko (left) is the Pastor of the church in Ankamu and also oversees 13 branches, plus the primary school. They are financially challenged. When I ministered to Sister Margaret (center) I saw two witches casting spells against them all. I also saw by the Spirit if God an idol buried in the grounds as a point of contact to bring evil to the people. After declaring it, breaking the curse and casting the evil spirits to hell I told it to Rev. Nyarko and told him they are all now free! Brother Mark
Friday March 23rd.
What a blessed day. After meeting two of my students from 2003. Brother Billy and I drove to meet with a Brother in the Lord named Rev. Quansah He was a overseer of many Methodist churches in his region. Since retiring 10 years ago he is still busy helping the Pastor’s continue their work. I ministered healing to Rev. Quansah’s (left) wife (right). We had a great fellowship talking about our concern about the Christian churches congregations. What a precious man of God. I also ministered to his granddaughter. Praise God for his abundant Grace! Brother Mark.
Friday March 23rd

Tonight I was asked to preach at Brother Jedu’s church. He is my host for this trip and was one of my students in 2002. I taught on my sermon, ” …Wings as eagles” in Isaiah 40:31. Thank you all for prayers of faith! Brother Mark.
Today Sunday March 25th
I taught the congregation in Manjessim on the palm tree and why the palm tree branches were put on the road where Jesus road on the ass. The church was full. Brother Mark Machado from Christian Training Centre of Texas.
Sunday March 25th
Our Sister in the Lord in the reddish top gave her testimony today of her healing when she was ministered to Friday Evening from pains in her leg, foot, and toes. She said the pain is gone! Praise be to God! Brother Mark.
I had ministered in this village many years ago… Our Brother Seth in the photo below (wearing beige) had a short leg when I was here in times past, and now they are equal length thanks to God’s great power that makes us able to heal all manner of sickness and disease! Thank you Father! Brother Mark.
This is Brother Richard who took the Gifts of The Spirit course in 2002 when I first taught it in Africa. He is still faithfully attending this same work of God here in Mankessim. Brother Mark .
Tonight Monday March 26th
i taught on a message titled, “Why was the man at the temple gate beautiful a miracle of healing?” “He expected to receive something!” Then I explained to the congregation that faith is our key to receive anything from God. Like the keys to our car, we can put the key in the ignition, but WE NEED TO TURN THE KEY! We use it by doing. They came in faith for healing after the message… Brother Mark.
Monday March 26th
Our Sister here had pain in her body and back. By faith in the name of Jesus Christ I commanded the impurity in the spinal fluid to go and for the spine to go back straight. Praise God to His glory for his care and love for us all. Brother Mark.
Monday night March 26th
This Mother came because of pain in her waist. The tissue was stretched, overworked, and by the mutual faith she was healed.

Monday night March 26th
After ministering to many, my interpreter was the final need for the night, he came for healing because of a headache. I told him he needs to drink more water. So he understood what to do going forward. After believing for his healing we finished for the night. Thank you Father for your work continuing by your Grace we will carry on! Brother Mark.

Tuesday March 27th
Brother Isaac is giving his testimony of how he ministered healing to himself some time ago. He had kidney stones and blood clots. He said it would cost about $2500.00 to get kidney dialysis per visit. But after exercising the Gifts of The Spirit as he was trained to use many years ago, he was healed. Thank you our Father in Heaven! I also ministered to him right before we left for service because the powers of hell tried to take him out. Praise God forever for His glorious Love and supernatural abilities! Brother Mark.
Thursday March 29th
After a day of rest I drove to an area where we are doing a camp meeting for a few days in a place called Assin Besease. I will be preaching every day here. Here they are preparing the area. Brother Mark.
Friday March 30th
Commonly called Good Friday. I taught today on what Jesus Christ went through in his beatings, leading up to his crucifixion. Showing his love for all of mankind. Brother Isaac my interpreter is in the center and WW Graham was reading the verses in the Word of God.
Saturday March 31st
So….You want to be a missionary? Here is my bathing resources. 5 star running water for Ghana, normally it is a rope and bucket you drop into the well. Thank you Jamima for filling my bathing bucket for me today. In the background you can see a red bucket on the wall? That is the community public bathing facility! Welcome to Africa! Brother Mark.
Saturday March 31st
Today after praying much for the past few days I delivered a message from God concerning His required obedience to His Holy Word. I declared that we, believers on Christ are the first to be looking at ourselves then going to His people to help. There was many things exposed so that the church can go forward…His way! Thanks to all of you for “ALL” of your support! Brother Mark.
Saturday March 31st
After service today and making a call for salvation, and for those who wanted to receive the baptism of the Holy Ghost, we went to greet the Chief (king) of the village. Since he was not in his palace, we drank and ate coconut. Mmmmm…good! The man sitting down without a shirt was the coconut seller, the others in the photo are pastors who came to the convention. Oh! The price of the coconut? 1 cede (about 27 cents each). Brother Mark.
Saturday March 31st
Why is the bag hanging from the ceiling? Good question. Since Brother isaac is sleeping on a piece of foam, he saw a small mouse run on the floor. Since we have a piece of bread withour Milo (a chocolate powered drink) every morning. I told Isaac to hang the bag with our bread on the hook. Our visitor, Mr. Mouse must be starving because he cannot get our bread. Brother Mark.
Sunday April 1st
As I was looking out of my window this morning I saw a young boy. Looking a little closer, I watched him take his slingshot with some rocks that he was picking up off of the ground, and trying to kill some birds. Maybe he was tired of only eating rice alone with no meat? Sorry you will need to look close to see him behind the branches… Brother Mark.
Sunday April 1st
After watching the young hunter it was time to take my bucket of water and clean up. Yes there is running water! The water I pour on myself from the blue cup in the bucket. Brother Mark.
Sunday April 1st
Photo time. Many of the church leaders wanted a photo with me after the conclusion of the camp meeting. Brother Mark.
This Sister has her own business selling her goods, but never has any money. I saw by the Spirit of God witchcraft coming against her. I took dominion over the evil in the name of Jesus Christ and she was set free by the power of God! Praise God! Brother Mark.
Sunday April 1st
This is a poster in French. I will be going to that country called Coit d’Ivoire in a few days, which is next to Ghana. I will be teaching during the day and preaching in the evenings. Thank you ahead of time for your prayers! Brother Mark.
Sunday April 1st
Resurrection Sunday! I taught a message to the congregation of about 300 from God’s Word called, “HE IS RISEN!” Three of the greatest words in the Bible! The crowd thanked me for delivering the faith building message. Brother Mark.
Monday April 2nd
I am now the official driver when we go to our destinations…Here is a picture of the 5 speed manual transmissions missionary car. Just so you know, the warning signs are not before every road bump. I found out the hard way! But the good news is our heads did not hit the roof of the car! Thank God! Brother Mark.
Monday April 2nd
I went in front of the Bishops home in the early evening expecting to see some of my young friends, but these are the only kids that showed up…
Tuesday April 3rd

Tuesday April 3rd
With Brother Isaac interpreting for me, I delivered a message God gave to Brother Leonard, the founder of Christian Training Centres many years ago, called The Challenge of Faith. We are doing a campaign in a small village for the next few days. Brother Mark.
Tuesday April 3rd
Tuesday April 3rd

Wednesday April 4th

Wednesday April 4th

Wednesday April 4th

Thursday April 5th

Rev. Mark Machado’s Missionary Trip
Saturday April 7th
As I was driving to the Ghana Cote d’Ivoire boarder, which is about four hours by car, we stopped to see these rubber trees. Sorry about the bad photography, but there are some black cups near he base of the trees to collect the rubber sap. It is produced by the tree once the tree is about six years old. Brother Mark.
Saturday April 7th
As I waited for my interpreter (Brother Louis) from Cote d’Ivoire to meet me and my Brothers in Christ who accompanied me to the Ghana boarder town of Elubo, two strangers came to me for prayer, this man was one. I told his as God revealed to me that he had some so called friends that were taking him into a bad way. Another man standing by us interpreted as the man whom my hand upon spoke French. Brother Mark.
Saturday April 7th
This woman was a Muslim. She spoke English very well. She told us it was her birthday. As I laid my hand on her I saw by the Spirit of God she needed to be careful about a boyfriend I explained to her what the Koran says about Jesus Christ the Prophet.She worked in the building that we sat in front of. I gave her 25 cedis, one for each of her years of age plus one. She turned 24 today. I told her that I met many Muslims and she seemed to be very happy as many I have met are not. She gave me a piece of her birthday cake and then it was tome to go.