Honduras 2015
Rev. Mark Machado’s Missionary Trip
I arrived today Tuesday January 27th, 2015 in San Pedro Sula, Honduras from Houston, Texas. To my left is my Interpreter Brother Eligio, in front of him in the chair is Brother George, he is 82 and sells watermelons in Florida to buy Bible’s and has given away hundreds to the people from Mexico to Costa Rica.
The young boy next to Brother George is Brother Eligio’s son Daniel. Omoa, Honduras.
In this photo you see the sign of the town, Rio Tulian. I preached and ministered here about 12 years ago.
I preached a simple message on praying in the name of Jesus Christ by faith. This service was not planned. I was invited by Brother Jonas wife Elbira earlier that day. She is on my left holding her bible in the black and white blouse.
After delivering God’s Holy Word the revival was on. Sister Elbira was first and was delivered from the powers of witchcraft, and many other conditions in the body. Then several others came for healing.
The Pastoress of the church, Sister Mirna, in the dark red, on my right came for healing.
There was much witchcraft coming against her and the congregation. Be faith in name of Jesus Christ it was broke, Praise God! There were also other Pastor’s coming against her because she is a woman. After praying in faith that they would repent she was free.
Sister Mirna invited me back to preach and minister the next evening. Thank you Lord! Omoa, Honduras January 27th 2015.
I was walking back from Brother Jonas place when this man, a Brother in Christ met me on the road. He was a stranger to me. He asked me if I was a Pastor an Evangelist. I said yes.He said he has a problem, his wife left him taking their daughter’s also.
He ( I know him as Jorge) told me his mother-in-law, brother-in-law, sister-in-law give him much trouble. I told him we will now unite in faith for everyone in this situation. Praise God I told him he will see the answer soon. We said God bless you to each other and went our ways. Omoa, Honduras January 28th 2015.
Tonight I preached in the same Church of Sister Mirnas’ in Omoa. The challenge has been that for the past two evenings I have not had an interpreter to bring the simple message I taught on tittled “Faith” into Spanish! So by faith I taught it all in Spanish. Thanks to all the prayers of God’s people who prayed for me.
I have not taught in Spanish for many years. God bless the saints for their love in helping with this work. Omoa, Honduras January 28th 2015.