Books & Music

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Christian Training Centre of Texas

P. O. Box 3766

Brownsville, Texas USA 78523-3766

(Please allow 2-3 weeks for delivery. Thank You.)

The Vanity of the Gentiles. P. 29+ for a suggested donation of $20.00 USD within the continental USA. Anyone outside of USA please contact us for shipping prices. This literary work is a great teaching of truth on idolatry from the Old Testament to our modern-day time now.  The truth in this book will help bring us closer to God!

A Child’s Treasury of Spiritual Gifts P.177 A book to help them to understand better on the nine Gifts of the Spirit. An easier way to help the young ones, walk in power with simple lessons. This literary work is procurable for a suggestion donation of $40.00 for those within the continental USA. All others please call, email, or text for the suggested donation outside of continental USA.

Great Men of the Book P.260+ The cover speaks for itself concerning the men of God who are shown for their greatness concerning their ministries and obedience to God by faith. This literary work is procurable for a suggestion donation of $35.00 for those within the continental USA. All others please call, email, or text for the suggested donation outside of continental USA.

The VOICE of the TURTLE P.200+ for a suggested donation of $30.00 USD within the continental USA. Anyone outside of USA please contact us for shipping prices. The topics in these pages that all believers should know about that exposes the dark arts.  We don’t walk in darkness and Light exposes these who uses them.  2 Corinthians 2:11 Lest Satan should get an advantage of us: for we are not ignorant of his devices.


Except ….For Fornication P.61 for a suggestied donation of $25.00 USD within the continental USA.  Anyone outside of the USA please contact us for shipping prices.  Except ….. For Fornication.  This literary work answers the questions concerning controversial subjects like divorce, children of divorce, and fornication. It is over 60 pages of truths from Gods Holy Word concerning the subject. My people are destroyed for lack of knowledge:… Hosea 4:6. And ye shall know the truth, and the truth shall make you free. John 8:32


( NEW) Eternity to Eternity 546 pages original 1971 pre-published format, Suggested Donation $40.00  (continental USA, those outside of the continental USA, please contact us for shipping cost). A book that Rev. B.G. Leonard as well co-authored by Rev. Evelyn Thiele-Leonard have put together various teachings on Genesis through Revelation. 50 chapters to ground you in solid truth. A complete coverage of the history of the Most High.

Revolution 80 pages, Suggested Donation $30.00 (continental USA, those outside of the continental USA, please contact us for shipping cost). First printed in 1985 this 1993 copy gives the details of the past decades as they are related to now. Brother Leonard goes in great details of anarchy through communism as what is set before us as in the early 21st century. History repeats itself and only a few will learn from it. What is a proper way for a real Revolution? This gem of a book explains it and encourages the believer that God is still on the throne.

Church Government – 88 pages. Suggested Donation $22.00 (continental USA, those outside of the continental USA, please contact us for shipping cost). “As we shall be studying–will deal with God-given ministries, those of the apostles, prophets, evangelists, pastors and teachers and office helps. may the truth contained within this study edify and exhort you to the fulfilling of your own God-ordained ministry.” Rev. B.G. Leonard
& Rev. Evelyn Thiele-Leonard.

Foundations – 300 pages. Suggested Donation $35.00 (continental USA, those outside of the continental USA, please contact us for shipping cost). “Foundations is to the student of Holy Writ what a blueprint is to a construction engineer. It is a veritable slide rule in the hands of the truth-seeker. it was with a full realization of its importance, the necessity for its existence, and the scope of its inherent usefulness that the author, impelled as he was as by God’s Spirit, gave birth to this book. We pray that it shall be to you a guide of inestimable value in the realm of constructive and exhaustive investigation of divine revelation.” Rev. B.G. Leonard

Gifts OF The Spirit -385 pages. Suggested Donation $35.00 (continental USA, those outside of the continental USA, please contact us for shipping cost). “One day God spoke to me. “If thou wilt wait patiently before me, I will give thee the revelation concerning that which is written in my Word touching these things; the revelation my people need to bring them out of their chaos and confusion.” I believed God. For months I waited before His presence in solitude. During those wonderful days, He revealed the truth to me concerning the gifts of the Spirit. As He did, these things were proven by acting upon the knowledge thus received, and by examining the results in light of His Word.”  Rev. B.G. Leonard

This Spanish abridged version of the Gifts of The Spirit suggested donation of $25.00 (continental USA, those outside of the continental USA, please contact us for shipping cost).

This German version of the Gifts of The Spirit suggested donation of $35.00 (continental USA, those outside of the continental USA, please contact us for shipping cost).

Gospel of Grace -167 pages. Suggested Donation $22.00 (continental USA, those outside of the continental USA, please contact us for shipping cost). “In things pertaining to God, the grace of God is the root of the matter. Without a proper understanding of this subject, all others will be a bit more difficult to comprehend. Without a through comprehension of this great truth, others may be (and likely will be) approached from the wrong point of view, with the inevitable consequence: misconception of the plan and purpose of God in connection with the particular subject under observation.” Rev. B.G. Leonard

Gospel of Grace – Spanish Version                15       

Spanish Gospel of Grace $25.00 (continental USA, those outside of the continental USA, please contact us for shipping cost).

Healing Made Plain – 213 pages. Suggested Donation $30.00 (continental USA, those outside of the continental USA, please contact us for shipping cost). “Misunderstanding and misapprehensions constitute by far the greater part of those things which hinder the exercise of faith for the receiving of healing. Healing made Plain was written with the earnest expectation that it would prove it’s worth in clearing up those misunderstandings and those misapprehensions. We trust you will receive the help you are looking for in its page.” Rev B.G. Leonard

Holocaust – 114 pages. Suggested Donation $30.00 (continental USA, those outside of the continental USA, please contact us for shipping cost). “This unique book has contents of that which God’s Word declares. Through out the ages God made known of his will in scriptures. Not hiding but showing what are the things to come. Technology has increased more and more as that prophet of old, declared long ago (But thou, O Daniel, shut up the words, and seal the book, even to the time of the end: many shall run to and fro, and knowledge shall be increased.  Dan 12:4) Type and shadow  of His prophecies will be revealed in this book, so that the believer on Christ can see the power and might of God with His judgments concerning the ungodly being distributed, with why and how.”

Positive Prayer – 157 pages. Suggested Donation $29.00 (continental USA, those outside of the continental USA, please contact us for shipping cost).Decades of dedicated research in the subjects both Biblical and secular , in association with his personal communion with God Almighty and a life and ministry that have carried him around the globe, has given Rev. Leonard unique and extraordinary insights into the Holy Scriptures, many of which are presented in this book: Positive Prayer.”

The Everlasting Covenant – 67 pages. Suggested Donation $24 (continental USA, those outside of the continental USA, please contact us for shipping cost). “God’s great plan of salvation unfolds before the eyes of the reader of His Word  as a mighty, an unbreakable, an almost unbelievable covenant, a covenant established and sealed by God Himself, with man the beneficiary and receipt of every good thing derivative thereof. It is declared to be a NEW Covenant, a Covenant Of PEACE, an EVERLASTING COVENANT.” Rev. B.G. Leonard

The Water In The Bottle – 93 pages. Suggested Donation $25.00 (continental USA, those outside of the continental USA, please contact us for shipping cost). “A new and intriguing approach to a controversial subject, Water In The Bottle is an expository treatment of the Godhead which leaves nothing unsaid.” Rev. B.G. Leonard

Homiletics & Pastoral Theology (Abridged) – 58 pages. Suggested donation $22 (continental USA, those outside of the continental USA, please contact us for shipping cost). Lessons both learned in a lifetime of ministerial and experience both at home and abroad, coupled with the best in subject matter from the efforts of godly men of the past, have found their way into this masterpiece. It belongs on your desk.

Christ The Rock (Abridged) Suggested donation $20 (continental USA, those outside of the continental USA, please contact us for shipping cost). As a sound in treatment as it’s name implies, this work places Christ where He belongs, at the heart and core of ALL Christians experience, practice and theology.

Pearls of Great Price Suggested donation $30 (continental USA, those outside of the continental USA, please contact us for shipping cost). The poetic efforts of many years are here brought together under one cover for your reading enjoyment. The works of one author, this masterpiece ranges unrestrained over the entire game of life & living: life, love, hate, war, peace, discord, harmony, childhood, old age, slavery, liberty, death, it’s all here. A treasure indeed!

tIf you desire to translate any of these books into your mother tongue please contact Rev. Mark Machado at 956-266-5866 beforehand to arrange the details.



Rev. B. G. Leonard

Volume I

Suggested donation $25.00 US funds

( suggested donation $5.00 ea. U.S. funds)

This is a 2 CD set. Bonus CD is piano only. 

01 I See The Rainbow 02 Move By Thy Spirit, Lord 03 Divided Heart 04 Lay Thy Hands On Me 05 Faith Is The Power 06 My Name Is Engraved 07 The Hymn of Cannes 08 Jesus The Christ Is Born 09 Babe In A Manger 10 Forever Christ Is The Same 11 The Whole Armour 12 Breathe That Holy Name in Prayer 13 The Stream of Time  14 Idle Hands

Suggested Donation $29.00 US Funds.


Christian Training Centre of Texas

P. O. Box 3766

Brownsville, Texas USA 78523-3766

Phone Office (956) 542-3427 Central Time

Cell Phone: 956-266-5866